1. Business form
Hybrid web-fed offset press VAR

Electronically format-variable to minimize job changeover. VAR proudly offers great cost-effectiveness to short-run jobs for business forms.

・Short-run business forms
・Millimetric-sized jobs
・Millimetric-sized jobs
- No need of cassette changes due to accurate intermittent web feed, contributing to remarkable cost-effectiveness on short-run jobs.
- Reduction of initial machine cost due to no need of buying a lot of expensive cassettes size-by-size.
- Possible to run continuously at 200m/min by the use of MVF18B-type full-rotary cassette.
Main Features
- Electronically format-variable via simple touch screen operation.
- Compatible with repeat lengths of either of millimeter or inch.
- Superior register accuracy achieved by the intelligent synchronization of servo drives.
- Material-saving gapless printing is possible due to precise intermittent web feed.
- Large-format printing can be done by means of skip printing.
Main specifications
Web width | 177.8mm(7”) ~ 469.9mm(18.5”) |
Max. print width | 457.2mm(18”) |
Repeat length (semi-rotary) | 177.8mm(7”) ~ 381.0mm(15”) |
Repeat length (full-rotary) | 254.0mm(10”) ~ 457.2mm(18”) |
Max. speed (semi-rotary) | 200 impressions/min. |
Max. speed (full-rotary) | 200m/min |