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  5. Yaless AI / AI assistant system for offset press operators

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3. Analog press

Yaless AI / AI assistant system for offset press operators

3-way reduction all-in-one for any Miyakoshi offset press

  • Reduction in operator skill set
  • Reduction of material waste
  • Reduction of defects in print quality

Yaless AI makes it easier to operate your offset press by assisting your new operators with intricate machine adjustments, which until now have been often carried out by experienced skillful operators instinctively .

Yaless AI features

Reduce the operator skill set

Yaless AI system consistently measures and accumulates such parameters as the machine’s ambient conditions, dampening water temperature, ink temperature, dampening water level on the plate surface, etc. proper adjustments of which are extremely delicate but necessary elements for maintaining the consistent print quality. The system’s dedicated machine learning algorism takes all these parameter data into consideration to feed the novice operator with the best parameter adjustments in real-time on the wide display as preventative actions in order to keep producing with “in-spec” quality, thus making it possible to drastically reduce wastage, to minimize defects caused by print quality fluctuation, to shorten the time for trial printing, to reduce operator skill set, and overall increase the productivity of the offset press.

Real-time display on a wide data panel

Yaless AI system shows measured parameters on a wide display panel in real-time. The values are shown in green if within pre-determined specs but if the values drift off the tolerance range, they change colors from yellow to red to give warnings to the operator. Based on the visualized parameter data, the operator can make proper adjustments and maintain the quality of print.

The longer you run Yaless AI, the better it gets in doing what it does

Yaless AI comes with Miyakoshi’s initial settings for start-up, but after installing the press in your press room, it starts to accumulate and feed local data into its machine learning algorism to improve precision further on.

Astonishing 38% material saving

By prompting the operator for press adjustments at an early stage, you can reduce material loss during trial runs as well as production runs. According to Miyakoshi’s internal trial data, 38% material saving was recorded with Yaless AI under the following conditions : operator experience of offset printing 2 years, self-adhesive label stock 2 rolls of 500 meters.

Retrofit possible on Miyakoshi brand of offset presses

Miyakoshi offers to install Yaless AI on a brand new press but also to retrofit it on Miyakoshi-brand offset press. Please consult Miyakoshi sales team for detail.